Join the Halloween Fun with Big Savings

Our Plans
basic Free No credit card required TRY IT FOR FREE
  • Unlock free model packages with coins
  • Paid model packages need to be purchased
  • Access to Public Model Library with 10,000+ 3D models
  • Access to Public Texture Library with 1,000+ materials
  • Upload your own 3D models & 2D texture
  • Access to free basic template designs
basic Starts from $3.9 /month with different billing options Buy Now
  • Everything in basic, plus:
  • Access to all free packages with no charge in coins
  • Free access to all premium paid models
  • Free access to all paid template designs
  • Homestyler watermark removal
  • Include 80 AI credits per month
  • Priority in model application
  • Upload your own design as a template for seamless reuse
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the difference between purchasing a separate model package and purchasing the Styler membership?

    If you purchase the Styler membership, you shall use all the free and paid model packages and template designs for free with no point charged while your membership remains valid. If you purchase a model package alone, then you shall use the models included for unlimited times under your Homestyler account.

  • Can I use the paid models when my Styler membership expires?

    All the creations you made while your membership shall remain safely under your account, but you shall not use paid models or template designs if your Styler membership expires. But you could purchase them alone or redeem free modes/templates with Homestyler coins.

  • What is the difference between purchasing a Pro/Master membership, and a Styler membership?

    Styler membership is the brand new membership we create for design enthusiasts, and members shall have free access to all the high-quality and weekly updated trending models and templates, while the Pro/Master membership is designed for relatively professional designers with more high-resolution rendering needs.

  • Is there any bundled discount if I purchase a Pro/Master membership, and a Styler membership?

    Yes! We have launched the "Buy Together and Save More" promotion. When you click the "Buy Now" button of either membership, you will see the bundle options beneath. Please be noted that the bundled discount shall apply to 1-month, 6-month or 12-month membership but does not apply to automatic renewal subscriptions.

  • How do I purchase the Styler membership?

    You can make payments and purchase memberships on our website using credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, or any payment methods available in your region.

  • Can I subscribe to automatic renewal for the Styler membership?

    Yes! You can use a credit card, PayPal, or your local available payment methods to subscribe for an automatic membership renewal. By subscribing, your account will be automatically charged each month for membership and your status will be updated, ensuring your continuous use of the membership package. You can cancel at any time on the "My Subscription" page of our official website.

  • I don't know why I can't get the special price for the first time of Membership Auto Renew (e.g. Styler Membership, Monthly Auto Renew, $3.9 first month for the first time)?

    The initial discounted price is only available to first-time purchasers of auto renew subscription-based paid membership products (including Styler, Pro, and Master Membership). If you have previously purchased Auto Renew subscription-based products ("valid purchase" means payment is confirmed), you can still take advantage of the Auto Renew discounted price compared to a single purchase (e.g. Styler Membership, Monthly Auto Renew at $12 per month), but you will not be able to take advantage of the Auto Renew first-time offer.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions, feel free to contact us and we will respond within 2 working days.